will. Others, again, worshipped idols, of which each tribe had its own. For example, the tribe of Kalb worshipped Wudd and Suwa, that of Madhhaj honoured Yaghuth, as did some of the Yamanites. The Dhu'lkila' in Himyar worshipped Nasr, the Hamdhan tribe adored Ya'uq, that of Thaqif in Taif served Al-lat, while Al-'Uzza' was the tutelary goddess of the Banu Kinanah and of the Quraish. The tribes of Aus and Khazraj worshipped Manah, and regarded Hubal as the chief of their deities. His image was placed in a most conspicuous place on the roof of the Ka'bah. Other deities were Asaf and Naila'. Some of the tribes had come under the influence of Jewish colonies settled near them, and accepted more or less of the teaching of the latter people. Others had become Christians, while their neighbours were inclined to accept that faith. Others, again, were under the influence of the Sabians, and used to practise astrology and receive omens taken from the movements of the heavenly bodies as their guides in all actions of importance. Some worshipped angels, some the Jinns or evil spirits. Abu Bakr himself, who afterwards became the first Khalifah or "Vicegerent of the Apostle of God," was at one time distinguished for his proficiency in the art of interpreting dreams.

A story 1 related by many Arabic writers, includ-

1 In the Mawahibu'l luduniyyah the tale is told in several forms. One runs thus:—

ing some of the best known commentators on the Qur'an, shows how readily the Arabs in Muham-

1 Another form of the story is given in the same book in these words:—
This story is also related in much the same way by Ibn Ishaq, and it is accepted by Ibn Hisham, the amplifier of his account of Muhammad's life (Siratu'r Rasul, vol. i. pp. 127 sqq.). Tabari and others also give the tale as true, as do the commentators Yahya' and Jalalu'ddin, and also Baidawi, in commenting on Surah Al Hajj (Surah XXII.), v. 51, the verse quoted at the